3 Marketing Story Types To Help Sell Your Product

Story has been one of the most efficient ways for humans to communicate for centuries. Everything we do online is telling a story. It’s the story people hear from you that tells them what your product is and what it’s like to use your product. A great story means a great experience for your customer. And they are more likely to:

  • Share that experience with their peers.
  • Remember that experience.
  • Have a desire to repeat that experience.

We are going to look at 3 marketing story types that can help you sell your product.

In its simplest form a story has 7 main parts, Exposition, Problem, Rising Action, Crisis, Climax, Falling Action, End.

Concept Stories

Concept stories help people get excited about your product. It highlights how customers think about your product. A great concept story tries to answer the following questions:

  1. Who is the product for?
  2. What is the product?
  3. What does this product need to do?
  4. What is the straightforward solution to the problem?

Let’s imagine we have an amazing product called “MAKE IT FLOAT”. Breaking down a concept story into our seven parts (Exposition, Problem, Rising Action, Crisis, Climax, Falling Action, End)  might look like this

marketing story types concept story

Origin Stories

Origin stories are a little different. This type of story is not about the product directly but more about how a customer first became a believer in your product. On the surface concept and origin stories look very similar.  A concept story is big picture and origin stories start to get into the finer detail of why and how a customer first uses a product.

A MAKE IT FLOAT origin story might look something like this:

marketing story types origin story

Usage Stories

Usage stories are based around using your product step by step. They are even more tactical than origin stories. Often these are created by staff showing the product in the field.

In our MAKE IT FLOAT example our usage story looks like this:

marketing story types use story

Marketing story types as storytelling

Everything you do to market your business is another paragraph, page, or chapter in the story people hear from you. And the story people hear is the one they act (or don’t act) on, and repeat (or don’t repeat) to others. Using storytelling in marketing can be an extremely effective way to deliver messaging about your products to your customers.

If you’d like to learn how Sage Lion Media can help you get started with an effective content marketing strategy, contact us today or click the button below to learn more.