Selling Products on Facebook Live For Your Outdoor Business
With the introduction of Facebook Live streams, all sorts of marketing opportunities have become available to businesses to get in front of our audiences. With that said, there are several ways we can utilize this feature to begin selling products on Facebook live. Whether you’re a local Fly shop selling products to anglers or a travel destination selling experiences, Facebook Live can be a great way to create personal connections with your clients and potential clients. Moving into 2017, let’s review some of the current trends for 2016.
Facebook Users Spend 3x More Time Watching A Video
Since users are spending more time watching these live videos, live videos have gotten a boost in Facebook’s algorithm. Ultimately that means if you want to reach more users with a quick important or personalized message, then utilizing Facebook Live might be the way to go. Using this feature, informing your audience of which products are on sale and giving them a quick video demonstration will reach more of your audience than a simple unboosted post. This increases your audience outreach without incurring any additional cost to you. Facebook videos have a 135% greater organic reach than any other type of posted content.
In 2015, Facebook Video Posts Have Increased By 94%
Although 2016 isn’t over yet, we can expect similar stats, if not greater, with the launch of Facebook Live Video. With an average of 8 billion video views a day, video is a great opportunity to reach new audiences outside of your local reach. If you run an online E-commerce store, then consider giving product demonstrations over Facebook Live to help convert potential customers into happy customers.
85% of Facebook Videos Are Being Viewed Without Sound
When creating a meaningful marketing campaign, understanding how your audience will interact with your assets is an integral part of creating an effective strategy. Facebook has found that by simply adding captions to your video, increases consumer retention time by 12%. So before you sit down and hit the live button, think about what happens to your video when you’re done with your live broadcast. When completing your live video, Facebook uploads the feed to your wall and videos section so consumers can still watch them later.
What If You’re Not Selling Products on Facebook Live?
Thats ok! Let’s say you own a local Fly Shop and this weekend you have a celebrity fly tyer coming in. On the day of the event, you could provide value to your clients by possible recording a snippet of the presentation on Facebook Live. While it might not have any immediate benefits. Another possible use of Facebook Live is to share Guide Trip experiences with your audience. This would be a great way to really illustrate what kind of experience people will be getting when they chose to book a guided trip through your shop.